Sunday, December 12, 2010


These are the photos I shot at this year's Winter Formal.

I shot 1,100 photos, and only posted a few, so if you're not in here it's nothing personal at all.
I did not choose photos because of the people in them, but rather because of the quality of the photos or their cuteness factor (Big part, by the way. You all looked great!)

These photos have not gotten my usual Photoshop treatment because I knew you would want them promptly, and I've already spend untold hours just doing basic color correction and light adjustments (You're welcome, by the way!)

If you would like a fully edited and perfected photo, let me know. I'll see what I can do.


You are welcome to use these on Facebook, or whatever, but please give me due credit with either my name, SHMKR, or a link to my blog. I have put in a lot of effort and hard work for no pay and little thanks, so please be respectful and honor this request.

Thank you, and enjoy the photos.

- Charles Shoemaker

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